- Unique Plants
- Achillea | Yarrow
- Agastache | Hummingbird Mint
- Agave | Century Plant
- Aquilegia | Columbine
- Armeria | Sea Thrift
- Artemisia | Silver Sage
- Asclepias | Milkweed
- Aster
- Aubrieta | Rock Cress
- Cacti and Succulents
- Caryopteris | Blue Mist Spirea | Bluebeard
- Centranthus | Jupiter's Beard
- Chilopsis | Desert Willow
- Coreopsis | Tickseed
- Perennial Herbs
- Delosperma | Ice Plant
- Dianthus | Garden Pinks
- Digitalis | Foxglove
- Echinacea | Coneflower
- Eriogonum | Sulphur Buckwheat
- Flowering Vines
- Forestiera | Desert Olive - Privet
- Hemerocallis | Daylilies
- Gaillardia | Blanket Flower
- Gaura | Wand Flower
- Gazania | African Daisy
- Heuchera | Coral Bells
- Helianthus | Sunflower
- Hesperaloe | Texas Red Yucca
- Bearded Iris | Iris Germanica
- Kniphofia | Red Hot Poker
- Lamium | Deadnettle
- Lavandula | Lavender
- Lewisia | Bitterroot
- Liatris | Blazing Star
- Monarda | Bee Balm
- Nepeta | Catmint
- Oenothera | Evening Primrose
- Ornamental Grass
- Papaver | Poppy
- Penstemon | Beardtongue
- Perovskia | Russian Sage
- Phlox
- Pulsatilla | Pasque Flower
- Ratibida | Prairie Coneflower
- Rudbeckia | Black Eyed Susan
- Rosa | Rose
- Salvia | Sage
- Santolina | Lavender Cotton
- Sedum | Stonecrop
- Sempervivum | Hens & Chicks
- Shrubs And Small Trees
- Solidago | Goldenrod
- Stachys | Lamb’s Ear
- Thymus | Thyme
- Veronica | Speedwell
- Yucca
- Zauschneria | Hummingbird Trumpet
- Perennial Collections
- Vernonia | Ironweed
- Origanum | Ornamental Oregano

Best plants for your garden
Why Plant High Country Gardens Perennial Plants?
Offering unique and exclusive perennial plants has been the foundation of how High Country Gardens has built its reputation. Our plants are chosen for their beauty, hardiness, and their ability to create natural habitat. We are known for our drought resistant perennials and xeric plants, that once established will need very little water to thrive. Explore hundreds of water-thrifty and native plants, many developed exclusively for High Country Gardens by our founder, David Salman.