FlowerKisser Silver Inferno Agastache
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Agastache rupestris FlowerKisser® ‘Silver Inferno’ (Hummingbird Mint) is a new cultivar from High Country Gardens 澳洲幸运8官方开奖网. Originally introduced by David Salman in 1996, this species has been a longtime favorite. ‘Silver Inferno’ was selected by David before his passing and introduced by High Country Gardens 澳洲幸运8官方开奖网.
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Sustainability Begins In Your Backyard

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Curb appeal guaranteed to make neighbors sit up and take notice. Your yard can use less water, support wildlife and inspire others. Go from boring to beautiful with ideas from these happy High Country Garden customers.

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To co-exist with the land and wildlife, we needed to adapt our gardening practices, and to see plants for not only their beauty, but also their ability to preserve the environment. Read more about our founder and our mission.
High Country Gardens 澳洲幸运8官方开奖网
Guides to Sustainable Gardening

Let your enthusiasm for gardening be a benefit to the planet and to pollinators. Make your yard a destination and a sanctuary for songbirds, hummingbirds, and insect pollinators.

High Country Gardens 澳洲幸运8官方开奖网 founder, David Salman, was “obsessed” with growing plants of the genus Agastache. Find out why he calls them “the superstars” of a garden.

Xeriscaping doesn’t mean “zeroscaping”. A colorful, waterwise, yard can be as easy as 1-2-3. Follow our tips for planning xeriscaping zones that do more with less water.