Hill Country Gardens
Gardening in the Texas Hill Country
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Oh Deer!

We must state that no plant is totally deer proof. A plant list that might work in New England won't work in Central Texas and what may work in Wimberly won't, necessarily, work in Lago. And...what works in my neighborhood may not work in yours.
Deer's tastes differ not only by neighborhood but by the season, age of deer, age of plant, weather, plant variety and whim! The basic idea is the more aromatic the plant the more Bambi will leave it alone. Note that plants which can be grown in sun or shade will be more resistant when in full sun.
Try to find plants by their botanical name. Not all lantanas, for example, will be deer resistant. While the darlings will nibble on the native "horrida", they will consume the muticolored hybrids which are available.
Patti Simmons came up with the idea of using a four foot wide edging of the most deer resistant plants to act as a border to the garden. Once these plants are established less resistant material can be planted within the living "fence". For more information click below to go to the "
Camouflage Gardening" list at the Native Plant Society of Texas webpage.
Local landscaper Sue Bigley believes in "mass planting". By using large areas of each plant you will always have something left over for the gardener to enjoy!

All that being said, the following is a list that gardeners in Lago Vista Texas have found to be some of the best deer resistant plants. Good luck!
We've tried to compile a list of the plants which have worked best for us. This is not to say these are fool-proof by any means. In a bad year deer will eat anything!

A new transplant is vulnerable because it's resistant qualities aren't yet developed. Deer will try it to see if it's tasty and end up tearing out the roots. Keep plants protected until roots develop.

 Deer Resistant Plants
        For the Lago Vista Area

Deer Repellent Sprays

    "Deer-Proofing Your Yard"

Evelyn Nugent of Little Bend Nursery has written a comprehensive article on "deer-proofing" your yard.

A Singleton Bend resident, Evelyn is intimately familiar with the dense deer population with which we must live.